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The Sun Still Rises

One of the joys working on the water brings is those moments you get seeing the sun rise upon another day. As light breaks through the darkness, reflecting and shimmering off the sea, the natural world wakes up and you're once again reminded that you're simply a player on this great stage that is beyond your control.

When King Cnut, with all his kingly power, couldn't halt the rising of the tide, legend has it that he never wore his crown again. There is something about the power and inevitability of the rise and fall of the tide that humbles you. I remember my mum always saying to me how the tide will come up and go down every day, and there is nothing you can do about it. That's a real comfort.

It's a comfort to know that not everything is in our control, that there are things that we simply have to submit to and recognise as beyond us. As the sun rises, and the tide ebbs and flows, we work the water every day recognising the day as a gift. We also recognise that nature is out of our control, so we aim to be co-workers, working with nature to produce oysters that are sustainable.

If the last 12 months has taught us anything it is how important it is to work in partnership with nature, to never take for granted the gift each day is. It has been tough to navigate the challenges, and the world has changed in ways none of us could have imagined. Yet as we head out each day on the water, the same sun rises on us as it did William Haward nearly 300 years ago. And we work the same bit of land as William, cultivating oysters as he did, the tide rising and falling around our feet as it did his. 

When the world feels strange and unstable it is good to remind ourselves that we are not actually in control. There is a sense of freedom in that. It means we can look out over the rising sun and the flow of the tide and accept with gratitude the gift each day brings.

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